Please, read carefully The terms of use before using this e-store. With the confirmation of an order, you agree with our Terms of Use. If you do not agree with them, please, do not use the e-store.
All materials, published in this site - texts, photos, descriptions, charts, etc. are owned by TASHEV and offered only for personal and not commercial use. It is not allowed materials from this site to be copied or used by other sites or printed editions without the explicit consent of TASHEV. All materials in this site are under the protection of the Copyright law and every unauthorized use could be a violation of the Copyright law, the Trademark rights or other law regulations.
TASHEV keeps its rights to change, add or remove content from this site.
In TASHEV’s e-store registration is not necessary. If you are a regular customer, a personal account would make shopping easier. Once registered, you need only your e-mail and password to place an order - all other information is filled automatically.
In case of forgotten password, we send a new one to your e-mail, which you can change in ‘my profile’.
TASHEV e-store uses your personal information only for the processing and shipping of your orders. We do not use your personal information, or your orders’ information, for any other reason except the stated above.
Requirements for placing an order
As for your order to be valid, you are required to:
Correctly fill in the names of recipient, a valid delivery address and a phone number for contact.
Choose your preferred way of delivery, following the instructions.
Activate your order by clicking on ‘Confirm’. As you confirm your order, you agree to the Terms of Use.
It is possible for you to make changes in the products or their amounts before clicking ‘Confirm’. If you wish to make a change in your order after placing the order, contact as on: phone: 00359870035 mobile: 00359878870035 Е-mail:
Shopping procedure
After placing an order, you shortly receive an email, containing details of your order and confirmation that it is received.
Pricing and Payment
All prices are in BGN (Bulgarian Levs) and including VAT. All prices in EURO are for clients outside Bulgaria.
Almost all products in this site are TASHEV’s own manufacture or direct import - kept at large stocks, great variety and multiple colours. If a product is of out of stock or will soon be available, it may not be accessible for a short period of time. As it cannot be purchased, there is no ‘Add to Cart’ button. When it becomes available again, the “Add to Cart’ button is accessible again. In the product’s description you will find a date of next stock. You can make a request or reservation by email, phone, or though the contact form.
Payment on the territory of Bulgaria is done via ‘Cash on Delivery’, Credit Card, or Bank transfer. For countries in Europe, payment is done via Credit Card. If you want another way of payment, there are additional costs, so contact us by email, phone, or though the contact form.
Credit Card - through PayPal: Without any taxes or delivery delay.
After finalising your order, you’ll be redirected to PayPal’s site. If you have a PayPal registration, payment is done by entering your e-mail. If you don’t have a PayPal registration, you can either register or pay without registration.
Paying through PayPal is guaranteed both for the payer and the recipient.
All taxes are covered by us. You pay only the price of the products.
The order is dispatched after we receive an automatic confirmation from PayPal for the received sum. This happens after payment, unless there is no available amount on your credit card.
You receive … confirmation from PayPal to your e-mail for your payment.
If the confirmation is placed before 15.00 EET/UTC+2 (Bulgarian Time), the order is dispatched on the same day.
Bank Transfer - Paying via credit card is the fastest method and is also tax-free. If you prefer paying otherwise, you can pay via bank transfer. Please specify this in the Notes section and we will contact you for bank details and additional information. The banking costs are at your expense.
For orders over 500.00 BGN /255.00 Euro/ you receive a 10% discount. It is generated automatically.
For orders over 1500.00 BGN / 750.00 EUR / there is an additional discount. In such cases, we will contact you for the exact value of your discount. When choosing your paying method (credit card or bank transfer), please, do NOT pay before we contact you.
For every order you receive a gift.
Delivery and Warranty
Orders from outside of Bulgaria are delivered by DPD. Please keep in mind that DPD do NOT contact their clients on the phone. After three failed attempts of delivery, they return the package back to us. Therefore the address you write down in your order must be and address where there is constantly a person, all day, during working days. If you can’t guarantee this for your address, please provide as address for delivery a different one (eg. office address, friend’s address, or anyone’s address who is guaranteed to be available to receive the order from the address).
Every product is inspected before it’s shipped to the client. This includes whether the product is in order, its expiration date (if there is one), and if it’s fully packaged. TASHEV guarantees that by the time of shipping, the product is in perfect condition and without any defects. TASHEV is NOT responsible for damages, caused by inappropriate use, negligible storage, attempts of service or modification, or incidents and natural disasters.
Refund and Replacement
If the purchased product doesn’t meet your expectations, isn’t the right size or you just don’t like it, you have the right to return it within 14 days after purchase.
We can replace your product with another one or refund the paid amount into a bank account chosen by you. The refund is done within 2 days on the territory of Bulgaria and 5 days for bank accounts in Europe.
Conditions of Refund and Replacement
The product should not be used, or damaged in any way.
The product should be in its full, original packaging, with all of its content.
All paperwork must be included: all labels, receipt, and warranty card.
It the product meets the conditions above, contact us via email or phone:
phone: +359 64 870035
mobile: +359 87 8870035
Send the product via courier to TASHEV’s address /NOT upon request/, with transport costs at your expense. Please, make sure the product is packaged well so that its original packaging isn’t damaged during transportation.
After we receive the product and confirm it meet all of the conditions above, we execute a refund or replacement.
Transport costs aren’t refunded.
TASHEV has the right to decline a return or replacement of products which don’t meet TASHEV’s conditions of Refund and Replacement.